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Email Marketing

Are you looking to increase your brand awareness and revenue through Email Marketing? Email Marketing is an essential medium available in your companies tool bag to build unbreakable trust and a solid connection with your current and future customers . Partnering with Email Marketing specialists with proven success in your unique industry will help maximize the number of quality leads generated for your business and the revenue earned. Click the button below to learn more about the Email Marketing Process!

Email Marketing Service - ConnectionAllies
Email Marketing Results - ConnectionAllies

Dedicated Team Focused On Results

Keeping track of your email marketing efforts and understanding what will actually get you results while still trying to manage your business is no easy feat. That is why partnering with a team of email marketing specialists with a track record for success in your particular industry is crucial. Not only will it take something off your mind to think about, but it will also ensure your outreach efforts and budget are aimed in the right direction to maximize your business’s potential new customers and exposure.


Efficient Campaign Management


In House Specialists Skilled In Every Facet Of Email Marketing


Dedicated Project Manager Overseeing Your Custom Email Marketing Campaign

The Email Marketing Process

Wondering what the process will be like to create and optimize your Email Marketing outreach campaign? Find out by interacting with the module below for an overview of every step in the building process!

Email Marketing discovery and research - ConnectionAllies

Research & Strategy

Email Marketing Production Service - ConnectionAllies

Email Marketing Production

Email Marketing Tracking and Reporting - ConnectionAllies

Email Marketing Tracking & Reporting

Email marketing Consulting Service - ConnectionAllies

Email Marketing Consulting

Email Marketing Research - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Research

The email marketing research phase is fundamental when it comes to starting your campaign off on the right foot.

This process is all about getting a clear understanding of things like your companies business model, industry, products, services, value proposition, company structure, company history, competitors, and sales process.

Email Marketing Strategy - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Strategy

Phase two is all about strategy. Email Marketing campaigns are specific to each business, but generally, it is used to generate more leads and revenue by instilling trust and awareness about your business to the right audience. Without a clear plan, it would be near impossible to generate meaningful results.   

An email marketing strategy acts as a blueprint for every decision that is made within your campaigns, such as design, campaign goals, target audience, distribution frequency, calls to action, and trackable metrics.  

Email Marketing Production - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Production

Email marketing production is where a team of highly trained specialists work seamlessly to execute the strategy created in phase number two.

The tasks being carried out here consist of campaign setup, responsive design template creation, content creation, uploading and coding. 

Email Marketing Tracking - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Tracking

Email marketing tracking helps to keep your active campaigns in check and sustain effectiveness and efficiency so that you get the best results possible.

This is done by keeping track of opens, clickthrough rate, marked as spam, unsubscribed, social shares, clicked links, hard bounces, soft bounces, and phone tracking.

All this information helps dictate how emails are performing and how to pivot moving forward for continuous growth.  

Email Marketing Testing - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Testing

The email marketing testing phase allows campaigns to continuously improve the key metrics mentioned in phase number four.

The key areas within your emails that will be tested are things like subject lines, from name, graphic versus text, short form versus long form, call to action offer, call to action placement, call to action design, call to action number, content style, landing page design, and timing.

Email Marketing Reporting - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Reporting

Email marketing reporting is a powerful resource that breaks down all of the results and progress made throughout your campaign up to that point in a clear, easy-to-grasp manner so you can see exactly how your investment is paying off.

An email marketing report will typically include breakdowns of your open rates, total opens, unique opens, bounces, hard bounces, soft bounces, clicked links, unsubscribes, marked as spam, social shares, and conversions. 

All of this information can be a lot to fully understand and a little overwhelming, this is why an email marketing specialist will sit down with you and your team monthly to make sure everyone involved has a clear understanding.

Email Marketing Optimization


Email Marketing Optimization

The goal of email marketing optimization is to evaluate your campaign and historical data up to this point to further refine and improve your campaigns key metrics mentioned in phase number four.

By understanding what is working and what is not, this provides a good foundation for continued improvements to make sure your campaigns are as profitable as possible.   

Email Marketing Consulting - ConnectionAllies


Email Marketing Consulting

In the email marketing consulting phase, you will sit down with a specialist to break down the current state of your campaign.

In this consultation, your email marketing specialist will break down the best opportunities for growth if necessary and how to ramp up your current campaigns to continue increasing your business’s revenue.

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