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9 Benefits Of SEO You Need To Know

benefits of seo

Running a business takes a lot of work.

And if you aren’t getting enough inbound customers to sustain that business, a whole other set of challenges start getting tossed in the way of you enjoying what you love to do.

This is where search engine optimization comes into play.

SEO has many benefits, but the most important one is that it helps get your business out into the world for people to find it when they are looking.

If you sell anything that provides value to your customer, they will, more likely than not, be looking for your product online.

People like you and me turn towards Google and other search engines to help us find what we are looking for every day.

Embracing SEO means that you actively work with those search engines to better position your business in front of the people searching for it.

Today we will be discussing the significant benefits of SEO and its upsides you can look forward to before committing to getting started down the road.

1. SEO Is Cheaper Than Paid Advertising

SEO is cheaper from paid advertising

The thing about running ad campaigns is that it requires you to spend money for them to work consistently. 

When you stop spending money, your ad traffic will dwindle immediately.

Whereas for SEO, once you put in the effort and time to optimize your website and the content on the website, you can walk away, and your site will still be bringing in new customers as long as it is done right.

Typically once content is written and put up on your site, it won’t be touched until the statistics show that something needs to change or it’s time to update the information offered in the article.

Generally speaking, if you spend time keeping things up to date and keep adding content of value for your audience to enjoy and seek value from, your website traffic will continue to grow organically, and you can spend less on ad costs.

2. You Can See Actual Numbers And Results From SEO

you can see actual numbers and results from seo

SEO isn’t some made-up thing that lives in fairytale land.

Yes, the benefits of SEO are real, and you can achieve success.

Tangible results are visible from every piece of content ever created on your website through analytics programs like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Search engine optimization is a long-term game meaning that you will not see results right away; however, once you start getting more traffic to your website, it’ll be easier to shift and adapt.

You can see who clicked on what, where they came from, where they went, what content performs the best, and so on.

Valuable information like this allows you to better pivot and position yourself down the road when you’re ready to make more content or more pages on your website designed around different parts of the market you’re trying to go after.

Real trackable results mean real trackable profit.

Meaning that your effort will be appropriately measured, and you will know precisely what brings in more clients.

3. SEO Builds Trust And Authority

seo builds trust and authority

There’s something about being able to find a company through organic search results that build trust.

Think about it, when you appear in search results, you come up as an expert.

People get the feeling that you know what you’re talking about, and there’s a reason why Google put you there, which is usually true.

For the most part, the Google search results page is pretty accurate and gives valuable information. 

Google takes pride in the businesses or websites that they promote and put up on their search results page; therefore, they can be more trustworthy and reputable.

It does take effort, but over time the more pages that you can get ranked on Google search results, The more people will be able to find you online with their searches. 

The more times people can find you online and see your name pop up with the searches they are making, the higher value of trust they will give your business.

Everything goes hand-in-hand here.

4. Great SEO Goes Hand In Hand With User Experience

great seo goes hand in hand with user experience

Many of the ranking factors that Google considers for search engine optimization directly play into the user experience that you provide every visitor to your website.

Things like:

  • Easy to use menus
  • valuable on-page information
  • Page load speed
  • length of website existence
  • Mobile-friendly website
  • Optimized content
  • Good describing headings
  • Easily accessible business information

All this plays an active role in the experience that people have on your website.

The better off you are with all of the things listed above, the more likely someone will enjoy your website more and probably come back due to the great experience.

Not only that, but Google will send more people to your website when it sees people staying longer and visiting more pages due to their relevance and ability to solve the problem at hand.

Make your website fun and easy to use, and you will start to see more people wanting to hang out there.

5. SEO Directly Impacts Your Customers Buying Cycle

seo directly impacts your customers buying cycle

SEO allows you to reach your customer is in any portion of the buying cycle they happen to be in.

Awareness phase- you can create educational content around the product or market that you provide expertise in.

Help these visitors understand what the problem at hand is and how they can fix it.

This is when you start to introduce the solutions out there for this new problem.

For example, you run an email marketing agency for eCommerce companies. 

You could write about what email marketing is, beginner guides to getting started, and the benefits of email marketing.

Help the reader understand exactly why they need email marketing and display your expertise in the field for everyone to see.

The companies that can provide the most amount of value before someone ever even thinks about making a purchase can take your business to new heights.

Comparison phase- show off everything that your business has done and any social proof like testimonials, case studies, or reviews on your products.

This is where you could create a comparison article where you line up all of the best choices out there and demonstrate how your solution is the best for them. 

Continue providing resources for them to enjoy and use throughout this process to show them that whatever their decision, you are still there for them later on. 

Buying phase- this is where all of the touchpoints you’ve had with this visitor come together, and they see you as a trusted source that was there for them before the purchase was even a thought in their head.

Creating content around these points will help improve your SEO and result in google sending in more visitors to your website.

Become the go-to source of information on every aspect of your industry to present yourself as the industry expert and the best possible choice out there.

 Make it a no-brainer for anyone to do business with you.

6. SEO Can Reap Rewards For Years To Come

seo can reap rewards for years to come

Once you create your pages and optimize them for search engine optimization, you have the potential to be found on Google search results for many years down the road as long as your information stays relevant.

The goal should be to create “evergreen content.” 

Evergreen content is when you create resources for people to use and benefit from well into the future.

An example of this would be our 2021 guide on content marketing for beginners.

It was written and designed to stay relevant throughout the test of time and provide value ten years from now, the same way it could today.

Educate people on things that aren’t changing anytime soon as much as possible and create supporting articles around that.

As you continue to create more and more content and your website gets older, your domain Authority goes up, making you a reliable source of information within your industry.

The compound effect of repeatedly producing high-quality content will serve you well, and your business will enjoy the benefits of SEO for years to come.

7. SEO Targets Quality Traffic

seo targets quality traffic

Search engine optimization targets the people that are looking specifically for your business.

All search terms relate directly to finding more information about the services you provide, why those services are essential, and how to buy those products to get the best results possible.

Google’s sole job is to be a matchmaker.

They want to pair people’s searches online with the best possible solution to their inquiry. 

That is the one thing that they are good at doing.

We mentioned a few factors that influence your SEO above and being found through search engines.

If you do your part and create value for every person that stumbles through your online doorway, google will be more than happy to send more people that are in the same position, looking for the same thing, over your way.

You can influence what your website shows up for by creating content focused on specific “keywords” that are relevant to your industry.

All of your pages can technically rank online to be shown to more people, but the most common way to generate more website traffic is to write well-rounded articles on your blog that help clarify concepts and ideas for people. 

You can target the market that is looking for information on specific topics revolving around your industry.

There are tools out there that you can use to get information on keywords, such as how many people are searching for them every month, how much competition is out there on specific topics, who is currently ranking for those keywords, and so much more.

Check out free tools like: 

Google Keyword Planner

Ubersuggests Chrome Tool 

Keywords Everywhere 

If you are looking for a reliable premium tool, check these out:



These tools will help you better understand what people are searching for online and what keywords would be beneficial for you to target in your SEO efforts.

8. SEO Receives A Higher Amount Of Clicks Than PPC

seo receives a higher amount of clicks than ppc

Trust levels for organic search results are higher than paid ads.

This is most likely due to the daily bombarding of attention-seeking ads everywhere online.

People feel safer when they click on organic search results displayed by google rather than paid ads.

67% of all clicks come from the top 5 organic search results. 

Meaning that many people trust Google to give them honest and usable information, all without spam.

You can use this to your advantage by giving honest and helpful information to people through organic means.

The more your focus on your SEO efforts, the more people will trust your business. 

9. SEO Makes It Possible To Get Ahead Of Your Competitors

seo makes it possible to get ahead of your competitors

Search engine optimization is a number and positioning game.

Everyone can implement search engine optimization within their website’s marketing efforts.

The people who stick it out for the longest and produce the most usually end up top of the search results and get a majority of the search traffic out there.

It goes from industry to industry, but generally speaking, you can go after competitive terms to help position your business online for when people are searching.

If you can make better content more consistently, Google will start to see that you are an actual source with relevant information factual information.

You can get ahead of the game and ahead of your competitors by simply going after keywords and phrases in your industry that have lower competition and add immense value to the people searching.


There are a ton of benefits when it comes to implementing SEO into your marketing efforts.

If you don’t show up and search results, most likely, people won’t be able to find your business, and they will go to your competition because you’re not there.

Hopefully, some of these benefits caught your attention, and you’re highly considering embracing more search engine optimization techniques into your current marketing strategy.

Thank you for hanging out with us today; as always, we appreciate you!

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