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Chapter 4: Types Of Content Marketing That Generate Profit

Types Of Content Marketing

Content marketing has many different forms out there available at your fingertips.


If you plan on being consistent with your content marketing strategy, you better make sure that 1. you enjoy the vehicle you are in and 2. you pick a road that will get you to the destination you had in mind.


Don’t worry; we will do our best to give you the framework and the map for your journey.


This chapter will cover all of the different types of content marketing you have at your fingertips, so you get to spread your message however you prefer to.


Blog Content Marketing

When you stumble upon a question that you just can’t find the answer to, where do you look?

If you are like most, your answer would be google.

Google is good at finding the right answers to your questions.  

The reason is that googles sole job as a search engine is to search the entire internet for anything and everything that might be of use to your question or search term.

The results displayed on the results page from your inquiry are from other people’s sites and blogs that revolve around the topic you wish to understand better. 

The result of your search varies depending on the intent of the search.

For example, if you typed “Nike” in google, you would most likely get results linking to their homepage or various product pages along with social media profiles.

On the other side of that, if your search is directed toward answering questions that require a little more thought, such as, “how do I get the best performance out of my Nike free runs.” You would most likely get results linking to blog posts or other helpful resources. Usually, it will be someplace that someone took the time to write an entire article to answer your question.

Either way, your goal should be to come up when people are searching for topics related to what you do.

While it would be nice to be ranked higher in the results for both of these examples, it is a lot easier to rank on the first page of google for the second example above. 

This is because of the amount of competition you need to get by drops significantly. 

When there is less competition for topics you want to rank for, the likelihood of someone clicking on your website and becoming a customer goes up dramatically.

Some of my favorite benefits of blogging are:

Blogs allow you to appear more often in front of people you want to click on your website.

In your blog, You have the freedom to tell the world why your company has the solution everyone is looking for.

Answer the questions that your customers are asking the most.

Provide value to your customers where your competition can.

Maybe you see an information gap that you have the answer to.

Write about it.

The more valuable information you can give your future customers upfront, the chance they become actual paying customers goes up.

This is the gap that having a blog allows you to fill.

There are a ton of different formats a blog can adopt out there, such as:

  • How to guides
  • Beginners guides
  • Personal stories and experiences
  • Interviews
  • Case studies
  • Product reviews
  • Myth debunking
  • advice 
  • Troubleshooting for your products
  • Fun ways to use your products
  • Customer recognition

These are all possible options you have available at your fingertips.

You don’t have to stick to one specific one. You can implement them all or pick and choose based on what might work best for you.

Over time you will see different ways of getting your message out there and adopt what feels right.


Infographic Content Marketing

Infographics are designed to give people an incredible amount of information in a visually appealing format. Think of them as a great way to visually represent information and data with the topic you are speaking about.

You will usually see them being implemented on social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other place where people conduct business online.

The reason is simple: they grab media consumers’ attention well. And due to their value upfront nature, they also leave a good lasting impression of your brand.

Plus, they are easily skimmable and easy to take information from.

Fun fact: 79 percent of Web users scan rather than read, making infographics a great option to quickly get in front of people.

Infographics come in many shapes and sizes. Here are a few to give you an idea of what you can do with them:

  • Lists
  • Comparisons
  • Article summaries
  • Interactive
  • Data visualization
  • Timelines
  • Visual Resume

They all have their time and place, but you can adopt different styles and designs that you like as you go along. 

If you are unsure of what formats to start with, go and look at your competitors’ social feeds to see what seems to be working for them.

Not everything can be taken from what they are doing because your audience may be in a different tone. Still, it will give you a better understanding of where you should go.

Infographics are great for digestible amounts of information bundled with nice eye-catching visuals in front of your audience.

Guides & How-To’s

Guide & How-To Content Marketing

Google is a fantastic resource for learning and developing an understanding of nearly every topic imaginable.

What makes it so great is that people worldwide provide their expertise from personal experiences and real-world examples.

Guides & how to content marketing go hand in hand with blogging. However, it is worth giving it an entire section to display its value.

Have you ever bought a couch from amazon and attempted to put it together without the instructions? Then when it comes to the first trial round to see how you did, the sofa folds in half, and you get some concerning looks from your significant other? 

It turns out I missed a couple of steps, and that wasn’t supposed to happen… 

Had I read the instructions and used them as a guide from the beginning, I wouldn’t have ruined my nice new piece of furniture, and it wouldn’t be shaped like a V.

Now you may not own furniture business. Still, I guarantee that you know how to do something in your industry that most regular people like me wouldn’t and would value a helping hand.

Use that to your advantage.

People are going to keep turning to google for their questions and to continue learning. Why not join the party and go where people are already at?

How-tos and guides don’t just have to be in blog format if that’s not your strong suit. There are other ways to achieve the same outcome, such as making videos on youtube, putting your guides in either written or visual form on social media channels, and the pages you may run.

Perhaps neither video nor writing is your thing; then there is always audio. Podcasting also a viable option you can use to make some headway.

However, please note that a podcast isn’t nearly as search-friendly as blogging or creating videos on youtube.

Meaning, you don’t typically stumble upon a new podcast the same way you would for a video or article on the internet.

If audio is the route you want to take, think about how you can pair it with another outlet at the same time.

An example of this would be to have someone transcribe your audio into text and publish it as a blog on your website. Or you could record a video of your podcast sessions and upload it to youtube.

Take a minute to think about topics you could teach about within your industry. Then do a little search for that topic and check out what the competing results look like. Look for ways you can improve the information or make the learning experience better.


Video Content Marketing

I’m sure you already know this, but video is insanely popular.

People love videos and enjoy fresh, relevant information while seeing and listening to the person providing that information.

Platforms like Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Vidyard, and so many more make the process of creating and uploading videos so effortless. You can make engaging videos about whatever you enjoy talking about, and someone somewhere will be able to find you and follow your brand message if they happen to resonate with it.

Youtube is the number one searched term on google and not without good reason. The numbers speak for themselves here; Youtube currently has 2.3 billion monthly active users.

It has become the mecca of online learning and entertainment over the years. As more and more content creators continue to support and use the platform to grow and engage their audiences.

There are some benefits to video that other forms of content marketing just can’t quite touch, like:

You get the point; video content has some perks.

Nearly every business can benefit from implementing video content, including yours.


Podcast Content Marketing

The world of audio marketing is the best non-intrusive way to deliver your message to the ears of people willing to listen.

Podcasts aren’t necessarily new in any way, but more people are jumping on board. 

The great thing about audio marketing and why I say it’s the most non-invasive way to deliver your message is because your listeners can still go on about their lives at the same time as tuning in to your show.

Unlike video, where you have to give your full attention to get the most out of the experience, podcasts only require an ear or two. 

Listeners like me will pop on some headphones during a workout or stream while driving. It’s more enjoyable than listening to the regular radio and beats listening to nothing any day of the week.

One fantastic benefit for both the listener and the podcast creator is that they are usually only about specific topics of interest. Meaning that you can grow a super targeted audience that would more likely be a good fit for your products or services.

Currently, podcasts are considered relatively low on the competition scale, with right around 750,000 active live podcasts and an audience base of about 144 Million listeners in the US alone.

There are likely only a handful or two podcasts out there in your industry.

This should be even more of an incentive for you, especially if you have been holding off. 

If you consider adding audio to your overall marketing pie, please plug the show’s name in the comments below. I would love to check it out on my next commute!

Do you currently have a favorite podcast you enjoy tuning in to? 

Lately, I’ve been binging episodes from Noah Kagen and Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu.

Check them out if you are so inclined.

Influencer Content Marketing

Influencer Content Marketing

Content creators are in control of the one thing that every brand needs. Take a wild guess, what is it?


Consumers are watching and interacting with content produced by what the world now openly refers to them as “influencers.”

People who accrue a large number of social media followers, email subscribers, active blog readers, and video viewers.

The goal of influencer marketing is to partner with someone who has an audience within your industry.

This is usually a paid arrangement where the influencer shouts your brand out in their realm of earned attention.

There are some popular meeting grounds for finding the right influencers to work with like:

  • Influencermarketinghub.com ( good for finding the right influencer marketplace to explore)
  • Fourstarzz.com
  • activate.social 
  • Matchmade.tv (good if you have a game or app you want to market)

You don’t need to go through one of the sites above to find the right influencer. 

You can just as easily take some time and research the influencers in your industry by typing keywords related to your industry. Try doing this on all the platforms that you know your audience hangs out on.

The sites above aim to take some of the workloads from researching on your own by doing the work upfront and making it more of a click-click, connect with the right influencer, done, type of situation.

Do what’s right for you.

Depending on how much you have tucked away in your marketing budget and what products you sell, this may be an excellent option for you. 

Just be sure to do all your research ahead of time to make sure you partner with the right people.

No one likes being left with the shitty end of the stick, especially when money is involved.


eBook Content Marketing

Ebooks have lowered the barrier of entry of getting into the publishing industry.

Plain and simple.

Why would you want to write an ebook?

  1. It positions you to look like an expert
  2. It gives your more opportunity to get in front of new people

Ebooks don’t have to be this massive piece of literature that is the size of a brick. 

They can be if that’s your style, but you have more flexibility in length and style than you would with a regular book. 

Maybe you just want to create something that helps new customers understand precisely what you do and educate them on your industry. 

eBooks are great for delivering short, sweet, and rich information in a smaller package. 

I’ve seen ebooks ranging anywhere from blog size to the dictionary, which is good news for someone who isn’t typically a writer.

Get your future customers excited about what you do and help them understand why you are the best at what you do by delivering immense value in an evergreen format.

Writing an ebook can go well in conjunction with what you are already doing. 

Give your customers more options when it comes to their consumer experience with your content.

Think about giving it away as a lead magnet or using it for the top-of-funnel consumers.

There are plenty of companies out there that leverage their ebook towards gaining new email subscribers.

Or suppose you believe that it’s good enough to sell. In that case, you could consider putting it up on amazon and work towards generating another revenue stream.

Pick the style that works for you.


Email Content Marketing

There are 3.9 Billion daily email users out there.

No need to do the math on this one, chief. That’s a lot of people.

By 2023 the number is expected to climb to 4.3 Billion users.

Meaning that this is the right time to consider finally starting that newsletter you have been contemplating for the last five years.

Email has consistently been one of the highest ROI generating forms of content marketing over the last two decades.

If it’s working for everyone else, why can’t it work for you?

You can get started for free on top email platforms like:


After you decide which one you want to use. Just follow the set-up guide directly from these providers with the link next to the company’s name.

Once you get started, it’s almost addicting to send out newsletters and keep the connection flowing with your new potential customers.

Some final thoughts for you on this topic would be that email generates $38 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 3,800% ROI

If that doesn’t wow you, I’m not sure what will.

Checklist Content Marketing

Checklist Content Marketing

Everyone can gain value from checklists at some point. 

They help organize your days, keep you on track when doing projects, and even be a nice wall of defense from getting things you don’t need at the grocery store.

Everyone wants shortcuts in life nowadays, and checklists are just another way to give people what they want and need quickly.

My favorite way to implement checklists would be to make them in pdf format for people to download and take with them. 

Consider making this something that can be implemented with another form of content marketing. It’s a significant supporting element that adds that additional layer of value.

For instance, say you were writing a how-to guide on building a treehouse from scratch, you could include a pdf checklist that lists all of the steps and equipment right for the job they can take with them.

It’s something tangible for them to remember you by. It can also be a great way to collect emails for future contact and relationship building.

Many types of content marketing in this chapter are interchangeable. You can easily pair the ones you like the most together.


Testimonial Content Marketing

 You care what other people have to say about you and your brand.

This is especially true with everyone having the ability to review and rate your business online. 

Having little to no social proof won’t necessarily destroy your chances of making a sale online. However, it does make the buying decision a little easier for new first-time buyers.

The next time you find yourself impulsively buying things online, pay attention to what you do leading up to the final decision to buy.

Usually, before purchasing, you check the reviews of the product or service. 


To see how others’ experiences went. You want to see what you can expect after the purchase has been made.

If everything seems to add up based on others’ opinions, you will make your decision to move forward.

How does this tie into the types of content marketing?

People like to see other people enjoying your products or services.

Make posts on social media to shout out past customers. Show potential customers that you are a sought-after business.

Write up a blog post where you display the testimonial you got and write about the results you were able to achieve with this client.

Create a dedicated testimonial page on your website for people to quickly discover. 

If you are starting from scratch and don’t currently have any testimonials, that’s okay.

Reach out to your past clients and ask them how they enjoyed everything. See if they would be willing to give you some nice words or feedback on improving the provided experience.

Not everyone will do it, and that’s okay. Eventually, someone will say yes.

Over time, your social proof will slowly start to stack up and reassure people in the comparison portion of the funnel that you are the real deal.

Case Studies

Case Study Content Marketing

What if you could walk through someone’s marketing plan and see what provided results for them? 

Or what if you are looking for marketing agencies to partner with and want to see a more in-depth look at what kind of results they achieved for another business in your industry?

Case studies provide a unique spin on the types of content marketing available in your tool belt.

They allow you to give social proof but emphasize the “proof” side of things.

Instead of just having testimonials which are sometimes incentivized, case studies allow you to let your work speak for itself.

If you have had some significant success with clients over the years and are looking for a way to leverage this to gain new clients, then look no further; this is what you are looking for.

Take a walk through memory lane and create a blog post or video that breaks down exactly what you did and the results you could achieve through those methods.

Apart from being an excellent practice to provide social proof, they also make for some compelling, sharable content. 

It adds diversification within your content stream.

Who knows, maybe the only thing standing between you and a higher customer conversion rate is that you aren’t giving enough insight into how you can help them succeed with your service.

Case studies aren’t solely subject to service providers either.


If you have a product, you can and should write up a detailed case study showcasing how your product provides a unique solution to the problem others may be having.

For example, say you sold bed sheets that stay cool to the touch all night which somehow naturally prompts your body to fall asleep and reach your rem cycle every night. 

You could write a case study on the testing process you went through to get the ultimate cooling fabric your customers have come to love.

Or you could write a study showcasing the proof that your clients are getting better consistent sleep and showing theirs before and after sleep stats from the device you used to track the experiment with


Or you could write about how your customers have more energy than ever before because of your sheets. Show a before and after productivity scale demonstrating how your sheets started the snowball effect to help people get more done in a day.

Find your unique angle to prove why your product or service would be a good fit for your next potential customer.


Meme Content Marketing

Memes are great when it comes to getting a reaction out of your audience on social media.

They are designed to be extremely relevant around a subject in your industry.

A meme is usually a combination of an image and text paired together to make a relatable joke your audience would find entertaining.

You will need to keep up with what is happening in the mainstream media or within your industry’s trending media for the best results. The more catchy or funny you can make your meme, the better results you will usually achieve.

Memes are easy to share and are usually designed to be comical and lighthearted.

To make them work for your business, you need to spend time keeping up with what people are talking about online or in the world around you.

Suppose you can tie the outside world’s trending topics to your industry and time the post correctly. In that case, you will most likely have a runaway success from shares and social feedback.

User-Generated Content Marketing

User-Generated Content Marketing

User-generated content is when people from your audience record a video around your product, post pictures with your product, write blog posts about your product, plug your product or service in a podcast, etc.


They are spreading the word about their experience using your product or service.

In other words, they are sharing the word about you to their audiences and expanding the possible reach your brand had initially.

When this happens, it’s always good to show some love and recognition to let them know that you value them as customers. Thank them for going out of their way to give you a shoutout.

This experience is usually an organic one ( meaning it happens as a byproduct of your excellent products or services), and you should be thrilled for the positive feedback.

But just like you enjoy them shouting you out, you can and should do the same for them.

Share the piece of media they created with your audience.

Doing this will have a few different benefits for your business.

First, you are greatening the chance of this customer returning to do business with you again in the future.

Second, making a post about this shoutout will act as another form of social proof. You can never have enough social proof.

Third, It shows brand desire. No one wants to be the first one to buy a new product or service.

Fourth, user-generated content comes off as more authentic than most of your typical social media posts.

Social Media

Social Media Content Marketing

This one has been tossed around for the past few years, and most likely, you have heard of it by now. It’s okay if you haven’t, in any case. 

Social media content marketing is powerful because it gives you a direct line of communication with your customer.

And vise versa, they can reach out to you quickly and not have any barriers get in the way of that communication.

Social media platforms are plentiful, and I want to make it clear that you don’t need to be on all of them right now. Everything in the content marketing world takes time. So if you find yourself spread too thin, then most of your efforts will become useless and cause more harm than good.

Pick a platform that you currently enjoy using and branch out from there.

If you love Facebook, then stay there.

If you are a Twitter fanatic, stay there.

Once you become efficient with your platform of choice and have generated a decent-sized audience, consider adding another to your marketing arsenal.

The platforms you have to choose from are:


There might be more popping up here and there as time goes on. These are currently the biggest ones out there that are now populated with your potential customers.

You should take some time to check them all out and decide which one you like to use the most if you currently don’t have a favorite or are new to social media.

My recommendation, based on my biased opinion, would be youtube, hands down.


There are many outlets for you to choose from when it comes to picking the types of content marketing you’d wish to adopt.

Don’t get stuck with shiny object syndrome here. 

That wasn’t the point of this chapter. 

Please take a moment to go through your options and decide on one of them to get started with.

Whether it be with a blog, youtube channel, email marketing, podcast, it doesn’t matter as long as you choose to stay consistent with it.

Pick what is right for you and work your way out from there. Combine different types of content marketing to create your unique spin on it if you want to.

I hope you took some value from this chapter, and it prepared you for what is to come.

Coming up next: Content Marketing Strategy.





  1. Chapter 5: Create Your Content Marketing Strategy In 8 Easy Steps - Connection Allies - […] ← Prev: Chapter 4: Types Of Content Marketing That Generate Profit […]
  2. Chapter 3: Why Content Marketing Is Important - Connection Allies - […] worry. I will show you exactly how to do this and all the different types of content marketing for…

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